An Introduction

Hello from the Chamber!

Helix Chamber is a ragtag group of Pokémon fans who want to uncover, restore, and preserve its secrets, whether they come from the games, anime, manga, videos, magazines, or other content.

So what is Helix Chamber’s main purpose?

HC’s focus is on researching the origins and development of Pokémon, while also gathering and restoring any previously unknown Pokemon-related media that we may uncover during our search.

While we are chasing the origins of Pokémon, we intend to keep a database of media and articles that is easily accessible and well-organized, so that inquiring minds have all the necessary information at hand. People who are only beginning to learn about Pokémon’s secrets should be able to see the treasure trove in its full context.

Several smaller goals come hand-in-hand with our intentions, including dissipating misinformation, separating facts from unmarked speculation, translating important media, and restoring old Pokémon artwork.

We hope to provide you with plenty of interesting material to digest.


1 Comment

  1. So, any reason you guys lied about having Green Version assets when they’re all taken from the source codes of for the localization of Blue and Yellow ?

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